Jim Cramer: Even at the height of my firm, Cramer Berkowirtz, I managed only about $450 million for a bunch of wealthy families, a pittance compared to the major mutual funds arid some large hedge funds that control the marginal dollar that determines stock prices at the end of' the day. I mention this to drill into your head the importance considering supply and demand of the stock at all times. That's because way too many people get confused; they think we are trading the actual companies themselves, that the pieces of paper we are trading, investing, owning, are sort of redemptive right, a coupon that will give you certain cents off, or an ownership right that will allow You to have a chunk of the brick and. mortar if not the cash in the treasury of' the joint, Untrue. These are, in the end, simply pieces of paper, to be bought, sold, or manipulated up and down by those with more capital than others. All other investment books stress the linkage between the stock and the...
I want to provide Good Investing Lesson for you to grow your money so that you can achieve financial independence quickly. Here are the lessons I learned through trading. For trading log and stock analysis please see: Trade Smartly. For the latest posts, please visit my newer site: Good Investing Lesson